But it's been 12 hours of working and I need a break.
When I run the world:
-You will not have to submit an official copy of anything to any graduate program until they officially want you. ETS and their $25/copy of the GRE is bullshit. Absolute bullshit.
-All applications for anything, ever, will be housed on one website. You will fill that shit out once, and send it to whomever you want--college, grad school, jobs, potential dates, whoever. All in one place.
-No one will be allowed to charge for transcripts (Undergrad Institution, with your $15/transcript fee, I'm talking to you)
-People who want 2 transcripts are horrible, horrible people. I am poor, and you want me to spend an ADDITIONAL $30 to send you my transcripts on top of your $125 app fee?
-No one can reasonably expect you to write a 20-page paper that is going in the trash in 2 weeks when you have 8 million other more important things to do.
-WiFi will always be lightning fast and free.
-There will be student discounts on everything ever.
-Doctors who are specialists who can't diagnose your pain can't just say "not my problem" (in not so many words) and just send you on your way for another million tests.
There are other things, but that's all I can think of for the moment.
Americorps was good for something: app fees = waived!